Agent Based Simulations of Wealth Distribution in Developing Countries
王利 研究领域:计算机经济仿真模型
作者的联系方式:电话 87181365 13651110967
(首都经济贸易大学经济学院,北京 100026 wanglimq@cueb.edu.cn )
关键词:财富分布 经济仿真模型 倒U型假说 基尼系数
Abstract: Kuznets-curve for describing economic growth and income inequality has long been involved disputes. This paper described dynamic processes of wealth distribution in developing countries using multi-agent based simulation methods, verified the impacts on wealth distributions caused by different economy policies. According to China’s particular situation, simulate the high Gini-index circumstance, and proposed measures of how to hold back income inequality from the first wealth distribution.
Keyword: Wealth Distribution, Simulation model of Economy, Inverted U Hypothesis, Gini Index