关键词:通货膨胀 价格调整 调控性货币发行
Inflation and Economic Growth in China
Wang Xiaowen
Abstract: Enhancing the labor productivity is an important way of raising labor' income. But labor employed in the industries of little or almost no potential productivity enhancing is about 80% of the all labor. The prices of their products or services should be rising if labor's wage income rises, and this would lead to some inflation. There is also lots of labor employed in the low productivity industries in the developed countries and their high wages reflect the high prices of the products and services. So the necessary road to keep Chinese constant and high economic growth rate and to improve most labor’s income and depress the income disparity is to raise prices of parts of selected products and services for some extent. This paper suggests the methods of raising prices and improving income and discusses the issue of the growth of real income in the condition of some extent of inflation.