FDI会导致我国外汇储备增加吗 部分内容如下:
(江西财经大学金融学院 南昌 330013)
[关键词]:外汇储备 FDI 人民币汇率
Will the FDI lead to the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves in China?
(The School of Finance, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, 330013)
Abstract: The mainstream view is the foreign direct investment in China led to surplus of capital account, and the exports of foreign Investment Companies were the major parts of the current account, so the foreign exchange reserves stood at 1066.3 billion dollars at the end of 2006 and increase the appreciation of RMB exchange rate. This paper discusses the influence of FDI on the Balance of Payment in China, and puts forward the reasons that the foreign capitals entering into the China in the form of FDI, at last the paper points out the Chinese government should take the measures of control the FDI.
Key Words: foreign exchange reserves, FDI, RMB exchange rate
JEL Classification: F21 F32 E58 |