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  • 中金公司 DaTong MeiYe IPO 时间:2009-10-20 16:42:28 点击:10 好评:0

    1、 要点 2、 公司简介 3、 竞争优势、 4、 投资风险 5、 估值和询价建议...

  • J.P.Morgan 风险衍生物导论 时间:2009-10-20 16:41:01 点击:13 好评:0

    The J.P. Morgan Guide to Credit Derivatives 由著名的 CreidtMetrics 开发组写作 CreidtMetrics 是银行和金融机构风险理论的经典之作,是通向风险领域必读理论,这次J.P. Morgan 又对信用衍生物作出了延伸,相信对专注和准备进入这个领域的朋友们是个宝贵...

  • 美国长期资本管理公司操作对冲基金失败案例研究(英文版) 时间:2009-10-20 16:26:27 点击:170 好评:2

    Introduction Tuesday, September 22, 8:30pm, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Fed). It was a meeting at which all of Wall Streets biggest power players were present. In attendance were Sandy Warner, chairman of JP Morgan; David Komansk...

  • GS:China Power Generation--continued strong investor interest in Chinese IPPs and water utilities 时间:2009-10-20 16:24:25 点击:9 好评:0

    Industry context--IPPs High attendance at the power utilities panel discussion and investor meetings during our China Conference affirms renewed interest in the sector. More importantly, we think many investors continue to seek to increase...

  • GS 高盛:主权财富基金凸显出世界的变化及更大的需求 时间:2009-10-20 13:37:23 点击:12 好评:0

    This week, we discuss the topic of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), funds that invest on behalf of their nations. The growing focus on these entities is yet another sign of the changing nature of the world economy, and is linked to the emerg...

  • Citigroup: Commodity - Uncertainty on the rise, but structural story intact 时间:2009-10-20 13:35:42 点击:8 好评:0

    作者:Heath R Jansen 资源类别:报告 资源格式: PDF 40 pages 英 334 KB 目录: Boom or Bust? 3 Where to with a Macro View? 6 1. Depression Scenario 11 2. Recession Scenario 13 3. Upside Scenario 15 4. Base Case 18 Commodity Scenarios Outcomes...

  • Investment Banking and Investment Opportunities in China 时间:2009-10-20 13:23:15 点击:68 好评:2

    PART I: INTRODUCTION TO CHINAS FINANCIAL MARKETS AND BUSINESS BASICS Chapter 1 An Overview of Chinas Powerful and Growing Economy 3 Chapter 2 Opening Financial Markets through World Trade Organization Membership 24 Chapter 3 Huge Opportuni...

  • Deutsche Bank: An Investors Guide to Commodity 时间:2009-10-20 13:19:45 点击:21 好评:0

    作者:Michael Lewis and etc 资源类别:报告 资源格式: PDF 70 Pages 英 598KB 目录: Introduction ..............................................................................................................3 Executive Summary...................

  • 中金两会研究报告集合 时间:2009-10-20 11:44:55 点击:17 好评:0

    080305临时策略-两会跟踪 人大会议尚未开,但各种行业热点已纷至沓来,国防军工、节能减 排、财政支出倾斜、创业板、电信重组等等。我们简单分析 了这些主题可能带来的受益板块和内地A 股以及香港中资股相关个股,在后 文列出,仅供投资者参考。 通胀压力之...

  • 黄金期货投资80问 时间:2009-10-20 11:36:27 点击:11 好评:2

    1、什么是金融衍生品?它包括那些种类。 2、什么是期货交易?期货交易有什么特征? 3、什么是期货合约?什么是上市品种? 4、什么是商品期货?商品期货主要有那些种类? 5、什么是金融期货?金融期货主要有那些种类? 6、什么是黄金期货?上海期货交易所黄金...

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