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  • Encyclopedia of Algorithms 数学算法百科全书 时间:2009-09-13 14:49:47 点击:32 好评:0

    Description: The Encyclopedia of Algorithms will provide a comprehensive set of solutions to important algorithmic problems for students and researchers interested in quickly locating useful information. The first edition of the reference...

  • Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Peter N. Ireland) 时间:2009-09-13 14:31:26 点击:195 好评:2

    本书内容如下为例: Chapter 2: An Overview of the Financial System 1. Function of Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries 2. Structure of Financial Markets Debt and Equity Markets Primary and Secondary Markets Exchanges and Over-the-...

  • winning merger end game(English Version) 时间:2009-09-13 14:26:58 点击:23 好评:0

    Part One. Introduction 1. The Consolidation Landscape 1 A review of the biggest decade for mergers and acquisitions reveals the underlying characteristics of the good and bad dealsand the lessons they offer. 2. Finding Order in Chaos: Rule...

  • Handbook of Corporate Finance, Volume 1: Empirical Corporate Finance 时间:2009-09-13 13:46:13 点击:164 好评:0

    Handbook of Corporate Finance, Volume 1: Empirical Corporate Finance (Handbook of Corporate Finance) (Handbooks in Finance) by B. Espen Eckbo Publisher: North Holland Number Of Pages: 400 Publication Date: 2007-05-18 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 044450...

  • (非扫描版)Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering 时间:2009-09-13 13:39:03 点击:313 好评:4

    Hardcover: 602 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (August 7, 2003) Language: English ISBN-10: 0387004513 ISBN-13: 978-0387004518 Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.2 x 1.6 inches Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds Monte Carlo simulation has become an...

  • Empirical Dynamic Asset Pricing Kenneth J. Singleton 时间:2009-09-13 13:27:12 点击:121 好评:2

    Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Model Implied Restrictions 3 1.2. Econometric Estimation Strategies 10 I Econometric Methods for Analyzing DAPMs 15 2 Model Specification and Estimation Strategies 17 2.1. Full Informat...

  • Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction_Stephen J. Taylor_Princeton University Press 2005 e 时间:2009-09-13 13:19:30 点击:323 好评:6

    Winner of The Best of 2005 Book Awards, Riskbook.com This book shows how current and recent market prices convey information about the probability distributions that govern future prices. Moving beyond purely theoretical models, Stephen Ta...

  • Real Analysis, Modern Techniques and Their Applications, 2ed 时间:2009-09-13 13:02:00 点击:39 好评:0

    本书目录如下: Preface . . VII 0 Prologue 1 0.1 The Language of Set Theory 1 0.2 Orderings 4 0.3 Cardinality 6 0.4 More about Well Ordered Sets 9 0.5 The Extended Real Number System 10 0.6 Metric Spaces 13 0.7 Notes and References 16 1 Mea...

  • Optimal Portfolio Modeling:Models to Maximize Returns and Control Risk in Excel and R 时间:2009-09-13 11:59:26 点击:26 好评:0

    Optimal Portfolio Modeling:Models to Maximize Returns and Control Risk in Excel and R Author:Philip McDonnell Publisher: Wiley; Publishing date:February 8, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470117664 Hardcover: 297 pages (原版高清) Sp...

  • Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends,Bryce Gilmore 时间:2009-09-13 11:06:42 点击:54 好评:-2

    本书内容如下: 1.Sacred Geometry 2.Introduction to time price analysis 3.Price measuring techniques 4.Time measuring techniques 5.Dynamic vibration analysis 6.Chart patterns I monitor 7.Trend confirmation 8.Trade entry techniques 9.Money m...

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