
经济学 计量与统计 工商管理与财会金融投资学 其他
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  • Stochastic Optimal Control The Discrete-Time Case(Dimitri P. Bertsekas and Steven E. Shreve) 时间:2009-09-28 14:36:52 点击:35 好评:0

    Chapter1 Introduction Chapter2 Monotone Mappings Underlying Dynamic Programming Models Chapter3 Finite Horizon Models Chapter4 Infinite Horizon Models under a Contraction Assumption Chapter5 Infinite Horizon Models under Monotonicity Assum...

  • 金融体系的微观传导机制 时间:2009-09-28 11:31:29 点击:10 好评:0


  • 国家开发银行项目贷款评审报告 时间:2009-09-27 11:42:33 点击:323 好评:4

    国家开发银行项目贷款评审报告 目 录 项目背景 第一章借款人评审 第一节最新评级结论 第二节借款人基本情况 第三节借款人财务表现分析评价 第四节借款人在我行贷款情况 第五节风险归纳与风险缓释 第二章贷款项目评审 第一节项目概况 第二节项目筹资 第三节市...

  • The Best of Wilmott 时间:2009-09-26 11:00:58 点击:83 好评:0

    Contents Preface ix Foreword xi Elie Ayache Chapter 1 Times Up 1 Dan Tudball Chapter 2 First Cause 11 Dan Tudball Chapter 3 The Collector: Know Your WeaponPart 1 23 Espen Gaarder Haug Chapter 4 The Collector: Know Your WeaponPart 2 43 Espe...

  • Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance 时间:2009-09-26 10:17:47 点击:68 好评:0

    Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance In this paper, we show that Tobin's q and firm diversification are negativelyArelated throughout the 1980s. This negative relation holds for different diversification measures and...

  • The Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline 时间:2009-09-26 10:16:28 点击:12 好评:0

    The Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline KOSE JOHN, LARRY H. P. LANG, and JEFFRY NETTERr ABSTRACT Much of the research on corporate restructuring has examined the causes and aftermath of extreme changes...

  • The Measurement of Relatedness An Application to Corporate Diversification 时间:2009-09-26 10:15:29 点击:25 好评:0

    The Measurement of Relatedness An Application to Corporate Diversification I. Introduction Measuring how industries, firms, or segments within firms are related is often critical in industrial organization, finance, and management research...

  • The Forecast Accuracy of Individual Analysts Evidence of Systematic Optimism and Pessimism 时间:2009-09-26 10:13:33 点击:34 好评:2

    The Forecast Accuracy of Individual Analysts Evidence of Systematic Optimism and Pessimism 1. Introduction O'Brien [I9901 examines the annual earnings forecast accuracy of individual analysts reporting to the Institutional Brokers Estimate...

  • Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information 时间:2009-09-26 10:12:08 点击:35 好评:2

    Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information Larry H. P. Lang New York University Robert H. Litzenberger University of Pennsylvania Vicente Madrigal New York University We devise tests that distinguish between competit...

  • Insider Trading around Dividend Announcements Theory and Evidence 时间:2009-09-26 10:10:42 点击:44 好评:-2

    Insider Trading around Dividend Announcements Theory and Evidence KOSE JOHN and LARRY H. P. LANG* ABSTRACT The informational role of strategic insider trading around corporate dividend announcements is studied based on the efficient equili...
