ASM FM Practice Exams 2009 edition including solutions
Note to students: As we said in the Introduction, most students think that the five original practice
exams that follow are more difficult than actual past exams. (We think it's a good idea to practice
on problems that are a little harder, on average, than the real thing.) So don't be discouraged if
you don't do too well on these exams. Do all of the problems that you don't get right a couple of days
later under time pressure to make sure that you have learned how to solve them.
These practice exams follow the format of the actual exams in 2008: 35 questions in three hours. The
actual exam will be in CBT format. Several of the questions( perhaps five) will be pilot questions that
will not be graded, but you will have no way of knowing which ones they are.
When you take these exams, stick to the time limit and stimulate exam conditions. |