劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长 部分内容如下: 劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长[1]
李小平 卢现祥
JEL Classification: C812, A
The Labor Shift 、Capital Shift and Productivity Growth
(Li Xiaoping Lu Xianxiang)
Abstract:The factor shift is the important reason of Productivity Growth. The relation between them is reflected in the Structural -Bonus Hypothesis. This paper examines the relation betweenProvince Industrial Sector and Productivity Growth during the period 1998-2004, using the conventional and extending shift-share analysis. The results show the structural-bonus hypothesis is not notable; the inputs of labor don’t shift to more productive industries from less productive industries. The main powers to promote the Province Industrial Sector’s productivity growth are the within-growth effect.
Key words: Factor Shift; Productivity Growth; The Structural -Bonus Hypothesis