Metals Steel Time to look at upsides; top picks: Xstrata ArcelorMittal Commodity forecast revisions: Our global team has revised its quarterly commodity forecasts the most significant upgrades are to forecasts for copper and coal; there ar...
There are many reasons not to invest in steel: depressed demand, excess capacity, poor earnings, and steel stocks in Asia have outperformed the markets by 16% YTD and 28% from the bottom. ■ However, the consistent fall in inventories acro...
The ninth largest steel producer in the world, Brazils steel industry enjoys fairly high competitiveness. In the 1990s the government launched an ambitious program of privatization in the industry to encourage the application of new techno...
内容提要 1、09年中国钢铁行业与企业面临的挑战 2、国家各项鼓励政策对钢铁出口的实际拉动效果 3、全球钢铁市场09年的需求展望 4、09年中国钢铁出口形势预测...
内容简介 一、总体运行情况 二、行业内主要产品市场供求分析 三、各主要产品价格走势...
目录 第一部分 我国特殊钢行业总体发展分析1 第一章 我国特殊钢行业概况1 第一节 行业发展现状1 第二节 产品分类2 第三节行业特点4 第四节行业在国民经济中的地位和作用4 第五节 行业存在的主要问题5 第二章 世界特殊钢行业概况6 第一节 总体发展情况6 第二...
目录 第一部分 硅钢行业概况...................................................................................9 第一章 我国硅钢行业发展现状...................................... 9 第一节 2006 年我国电工用钢行业总体情况.........................
We recommend that our clients switch from coal producers to steel makers for the following reasons: Expected output growth at Raspadskaya and Belon is already reflected in their prices, which means that these stocks become a pure commodity...
Sector target price revisions We have incorporated new steel and raw material price forecasts as well as the recent MA activity in our steel companies models. As a result, we raise all steel companies target prices (see details below in Fi...
...THE NUMBERS that is After unprecedented steel price increases in early 2008, we expect the market focus will turn from euphoria about theses gains to earnings growth. We all have our EPS Leverage models but cost increases in the industr...