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中国钢铁行业分析报告 本论文深入地考察了改革开放以来我国钢铁产业集中度现状、变化趋势及其形成原因、进而提出了改善产业集中状况的相应具体建议。 本论文的基本思想是:通过对我国的钢铁产业集中状况的研究和分析,进而与发达国家钢铁工业进行两方面比较历...
2009 年,全国生产粗钢56784.24 万吨,同比增长13.50%;生产连铸坯55301.81 万吨,同比增长13.97%;生产生铁54374.82 万吨,同比增长15.87%;生产钢材 69243.72 万吨,同比增长18.50%;生产焦炭34501.69 万吨,同比增长10.53%;生 产铁矿石88017.14 万吨,同...
第一章钢铁行业基本情况.. 1 第一节 钢铁行业定义及分类... 1 第二节 2008年钢铁行业在国民经济中的地位... 2 第三节 钢铁行业的特点... 3 第二章 2008年钢铁行业发展环境分析.. 4 第一节 2008年钢铁行业经济环境分析... 5 一、宏观经济运行... 5 二、金融运...
Summary Ratings and Estimates Company Price Rating Price Target PT End Date Metric Current FYE Next FYE Companhia Siderurgica Nacional ($) 15.16 N ($) 24.10 Dec-09 Revenues (R$ mn) 14,459 (R$ mn) 14,080 prior ($) 46.40 Dec-08 (R$ mn) 16,51...
铁矿石价格上涨71.5%,下调钢铁公司盈利预测 成本压力 铁矿石价格上涨。据悉,淡水河谷(VALE3.SA/雷亚尔87.60,未有评 级)与宝钢股份达成协议,自4 月起将铁矿石价格上调71.5%,这 与我们上周在日本钢材生产商提价之后所做出的预测相符。与宝 钢达成的协议包...
Contents Steel share prices bottoming out, but sector lacks strong upside catalyst amid oversupply...3 What has changed on the industry front? .........................................4 Quarterly steel pricing and earnings outlook............
Attractive view of BF- We raise forecasts as auto demand rebound and strong exports advance volume recovery; we expect stocks to price in real earnings power emerging in 2H: Export steel orders are strong, and auto steel orders have been...
China inventories peaking as output slows, local demand and exports rise #1048599; Upgrade FY10e steel prices and sector EPS by 12% and 14%, respectively #1048599; Selective opportunities emerge. Raise Maanshan, our top pick, and Baosteel...