
经济学计量与统计 工商管理与财会 金融投资学 其他
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This book contains a carefully chosen and coordinated series of lec ture notes at the China-Canada Joint Program on Infectious Disease Modeling,held in Xi’an Jiaotong University,May 10-29,2006 The jpint program consists of a summer sch001 attended by over 100 students frOIU a variety of backgrounds,and a workshop participated by invited speakers frpin both academic institutes and public health agencies such a8 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)and Public Health Agency of Canada(PHAC)
These COntributions are grouped into three categories:lectures notes that briefly introduce the basic concepts and techniques;survey articles that provide reviews on some specific diseases or issues;and research papers dedicating to sonic important problems of current interest in the epidemiological modeling There are also two articles describing some recent progresses by a Chinese and a Canadian team
The aim of this book iS to provide fundamental methods and techniques for students who are interested in epidemiological modeling.and to guide iunior research scientists to some frontiers in the interfaee of mathematical modeling and public health Contributions are provided from difierent and complementary angles,with the balance between the theory and applications,between mathematical modeling and its applications to public health policy.It iS hoped that this book can help in increasing the awareness of the importance of mathematical modeling in the study of infectious disease transmission,and in bridging the gap between nlathematical modelers in basic theoretical research and medical scientists and public health policy makers working in health research institutes
There has been a long history of matheinatical epidemiology and there are many Successful stories in applying mathematical modeling to optimal design of feasible public health policy for disease prevention, control and management Some emerging and re-emerging infectious dis eases such as HIV FMD.SARS and pandemic influenza have generated substantial renewed interest and have been continuing to challenge inodelers for effective mathematical and computational models Covering a comprehensive range of topics,this book hopefully provides an alternative and additional textbook for graduate students in applied 111athemat- ics,health informatics,applied statistics and qualitative public health.
