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Empirical Market Microstructure

文件格式:Pdf 可复制性:可复制 TAG标签: Market Empirical 点击次数: 更新时间:2009-11-17 16:33

1. Market microstructure: an overview

2. The long-term dynamics of security prices

3. A dealer market with fixed transaction costs: the Roll model

4. Moving average and autoregressive representations of price changes

5. Sequential trade models of asymmetric information

6. Strategic trade models of asymmetric information

7. The generalized Roll model

8. Univariate random-walk decompositions

9. Estimation of time series models

10. The trade process and inventory control

11. Random walks, etc.

12. Multivariate time series

13. Prices and trades: statistical models

14. Prices and trades: structural models

15. The probability of informed trading (PIN)

16. What do measures of information asymmetry tell us?

17. Linked prices: cointegration and price discovery

18. Limit orders and dealer quotes

19. Bidding and offering with uncertain execution

20. Limit order submission strategies

21. Dynamic equilibrium models

22. Trading and asset pricing with fixed transaction costs
