Using Econometrics:A pratical Guide by A.H. Studenmund
Description Combining single-equation linear regression analysis with intuitive real-world examples and exercises is key to the success of Using Econometrics. Clear writing and a practical approach to econometrics that eschews the use of complex matrix algebra and calculus evidence this essential text's accessibility. As the subtitle, A Practical Guide, implies, this book is aimed not only at beginning econometrics students, but also at regression users looking for a refresher and at experienced practitioners who want a convenient reference. Contents
1. An Overview of Regression Analysis. 2. Ordinary Least Squares. 3. Learning to Use Regression Analysis. 4. The Classical Model. 5. Hypothesis Testing. II. VIOLATIONS OF THE CLASSICAL ASSUMPTIONS. 6. Specification: Choosing the Independent Variables. 7. Specification: Choosing a Functional Form. 8. Multicollinearity. 9. Serial Correlation. 10. Heteroskedasticity. 11. A Regression User's Handbook. III. EXTENSIONS OF THE BASIC REGRESSION MODEL. 12. Time-Series Models. 13. Dummy Dependent Variable Techniques. 14. Simultaneous Equations. 15. Forecasting. 16. Statistical Principles.