丁正中 曾慧
(浙江工商大学 浙江杭州 310035)
摘要: 本文在传统的风险投资决策方法---净现值()法的基础上,引入可无限延期实物期权的概念,建立了它的定价模型,并藉此确定了风险投资项目的最佳执行点,增加了风险投资项目决策的可靠性和科学性。
中文分类号:F830.9 文献标识码:A
The pricing model of the infinitable deferring real option
Ding Zheng-zhong Zeng Hui
( Zhengjiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310035, China )
Abstract:Based on the NPV-method, we introduce the infinitable deferring real option and establish it’s mathematical model. By this model, the optimal exercise point of the venture project investment can be calculated , thus the reliability and science of the venture project investment can be improved .
Keywords: venture investment; infinite deferring real option;no-arbitrary principle; optimal exercise point