杨 玮1, 潘 郁1, 龚 凡2
(1.南京工业大学管理科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210009;
2.南通市发展与改革委员会,江苏 南通 226001)
关键词:SWOT分析; 信息产业; 区域发展
Theapplication of SWOT analysis method inregionalinformation industry development—— the analysis of Nan Tong information industry
Yangwei1, Panyu1, Gongfan2
(1.Management college of science and engineering in Nan Jing University of Technology, Jiang Su, Nan Jing,210009;
2. Nan Tong development and reform committee,Jiang Su, Nan Tong 226001)
Abstract: The fast development of the regional information industry becomes a more and more important part of the country information industry. This text analyzes the model of SWOT in industry, and uses it in the information industry of Nan Tong. The paper researches the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Nan Tong information industry and finally makes the effective cases for the development of Nan Tong information industry.
Key words: SWOT analysis; information industry; regional development
①基金项目: 国家建设部科研基金资助项目(04-2-207)和江苏省南通市科技局软科学研究计划重点项目.
作者简介: 杨 玮 (1980—), 女, 江苏连云港人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为电子商务与区域经济发展.