Contents 1 Gaussian Stochastic Calculus of Variations ................. 1 1.1 Finite-Dimensional Gaussian Spaces, Hermite Expansion ...................................... 1 1.2 Wiener Space as Limit of its Dyadic Filtration .................
斯坦福大学Amir Dembo的随机过程讲义 目 录 Chapter 1. Probability, measure and integration 1.1. Probability spaces and -fields 1.2. Random variables and their expectation 1.3. Convergence of random variables 1.4. Independence, weak convergen...
书名:Inside the Yield Book:The Classic That Created the Science of Bond Analysis 出版社:Bloomberg Press 作者:Sidney Homer Martin L. Leibowitz 时间:2004年新版 大小:7.17M 286页 格式:PDF 目录:Foreword by Henry Kaufman ....................
contents chaptor 1 the making of a trader 1 chapter 2 the marketplace 21 chapter 3 a case for options 47 chapter 4 beyond the basics 69 chapter 5 from the short side 89 chapter 6 playing the broad market 111 chapter 7 when to do what-and w...
Contents Least Squares Predictors for Threshold Models: Properties and Forecast Evaluation Alessandra Amendola, Marcella Niglio and Cosimo Vitale . ... .. ... ... ... .. 1 Estimating Portfolio Conditional Returns Distribution Through Style...
一、研究报告的结构、目的 研究报告根据最初的中文产品概念确定了定价模型(见附件一),随后将该模型应用于具体的产品(工行亚洲的双界期权,英文版)。该产品比最初中文版本的要复杂得多,我们对该产品进行了估算,确定了价值区间(算法见附件二)。 定价...
Why Study Finance? Corporate life: How does a firm finance its operations? How can a firm use financial techniques to improve decision making (strategy, portfolio planning, manufacturing, etc.) Personal life: How should you invest your mon...
商业银行内部控制评价试行办法 第一章 总 则 第一条 为规范和加强对商业银行内部控制的评价,督促其进一步建立内部控制体系,健全内部控制机制,为全面风险管理体系的建立奠定基础,保证商业银行安全稳健运行,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中...
x银行信贷风险评估手册 本手册旨在引进国际上通用的信贷风险损失评估方法,介绍了相应的模型分析和会计处理,以供x银行借鉴 为了进一步阐明信贷风险损失模型的具体应用和对于x银行的适用性,本手册还以重庆分行为例,详细介绍了数据搜集、抽样调查和模型分析...