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[下载]SOFTWARE: XLSTAT 5.1 V2 With Trial Period Resetter

文件格式:excel 可复制性:可复制 TAG标签: 软件 XLSTAT 点击次数: 更新时间:2010-06-21 18:27

统计软件,非常好用XLSTAT is the leading data analysis and statistical solution for Microsoft Excel. The XLSTAT add-in offers a wide variety of functions to enhance the analytical capabilities of Excel, making it the ideal tool for your everyday data analysis and statistics requirements.

XLSTAT runs on all Excel versions from version 5.0 to version 2003.

If you want to analyze your data without having to shift it from one application to another If you want to apply your skills in statistics to data in Excel format If you want to boost Excel functionalities but keep the program easy to use If you want simple, functional software to help train students in statistics and data analysis If you want to save time and money

you could try Xlstat.
