paper list:
1.Martin Browning, Angus Deaton, and Margaret Irish : “A Profitable Approach to Labor
Supply and Commodity Demands over the Life-Cycle”
2Bernard Fortin, and Guy Lacroix : “A Test of the Unitary and Collective Models of Household
Labour Supply”
3.Gary S. Becker : “A Theory of the Allocation of Time”
4.homas E. MaCurdy : “An Empirical Model of Labor Supply in a Life-Cycle Setting ”
5.Elliot J. Berg : “Backward-Sloping Labor Supply Functions in Dual Economies--The Africa
6.Bourguignon, Francois, and Chiappori, Pierre-Andre. "Collective Models of Household
Behaviour: An Introduction."
7.Chiappori, Pierre-Andre. "Rational Household Labor Supply."
8. Patricia F. Apps and Ray Rees : “Collective Labor Supply and Household Production”
9.Richard Blundell and Costas Meghir : “Labour supply and intertemporal substitution”.
10.Kathryn L. Shaw : “Life-Cycle Labor Supply with Human Capital Accumulation”
11.V. Joseph Hotz, Finn E. Kydland, Guilherme L. Sedlacek : “Intertemporal Preferences and
Labor Supply”
12 .Haizheng Li,and Jeffrey S. Zax : “Labor supply in urban China”
13.Colin Camerer, Linda Babcock, George Loewenstein, Richard Thaler : “Labor Supply of
New York City Cabdrivers: One Day at a Time”
14.James J. Heckman and Thomas E. Macurdy : “A Life Cycle Model of Female Labour
15 .James Heckman : “Shadow Prices, Market Wages, and Labor Supply”
16.Orley Ashenfelter and James Heckman : “The Estimation of Income and Substitution
Effects in a Model of Family Labor Supply”
17.Chinhui Juhn and Kevin M. Murphy : “Wage Inequality and Family Labor Supply”
18.Albert Marcet, Francesc Obiols-Homs,and Philippe Weil : “Incomplete markets, labor
supply and capital accumulation”
19.Scott Drewianka : “Constrained labor supply and risk-aversion”
20.Liam Graham : “Consumption habits and labor supply”
21. Morris Altman : “A behavioral model of labor supply: casting some light into the black box
of income-leisure choice”
22.Y.H. Farzin : “The effect of non-pecuniary motivations onlabor supply”
23 David J. Faurot and Gordon H. Sellon, Jr.:“Analyzing Labor Supply without Considering
Income from Assets”
24 Yoram Barzel and Richard J. McDonald;“Assets, Subsistence, and The Supply Curve of
25 Olivier Donni:“Collective household labor supply: nonparticipation andincome taxation“
26 Francois Bourguignon and Pierre-And& Chiappori:“Collective models of hosehold
behavior:An introduction”
27 Zvi Eckstein and Kenneth I. Wolpin:” Dynamic Labour Force Participation of Married
Women and Endogenous Work Experience”
28 V. Joseph Hotz, Finn E. Kydland, Guilherme L. Sedlacek:” Intertemporal Preferences and
Labor Supply”
29 Pierre-André Chiappori:” Introducing Household Production in Collective Models of Labor
Supply Author”
30 Xiaobing WANG , Thomas HERZFELD, Thomas GLAUBEN:“Labor allocation in
transition: Evidence from Chinese rural households”
31 William R. Johnson and Jonathan Skinner:“Labor Supply and Marital Separation”
32 Reuben Gronau:“ Leisure, Home Production, and Work--the Theory of the Allocation of
Time Revisited“
33 Martin Browning and Costas Meghir:“The Effects of Male and Female Labor Supply on
Commodity Demands“
34 Liam Graham:“Consumption habits and labor supply”
35 Olivier Bargain:“Flexible labor supply models”
36 John M. Hartwick:“Labor supply under wage uncertainty” |