【书名】 Multivariate Bayesian Statistics
【作者】Daniel B. Rowe
【页数】232 including cover
【资料类别】统计学 textbook
【市面定价】95 USD
【是否缺页】所有章節都有 但原书無頁碼,僅能推测可能无缺頁
【关键词】multivariate analysis, Baysian theorem.
【内容简介】This book is a thorough exposition of Bayesian modeling techniques. Overall, the book is well written and gives a detailed step-by-step approach to some widely applicable model types. This book helps me understand how to build some complex models using a Bayesian approach with a much better understanding of what effect my decisions will have on the final model results.
【目录】List of Figures
List of Tables
I Fundamentals
Statistical Distributions
Introductory Bayesian Statistics
Prior Distributions
Hyperparameter Assessment
Bayesian Estimation Methods
II Models
Bayesian Regression
Bayesian Factor Analysis
Bayesian Source Separation
Unobservable and Observable Source Separation
FMRI Case Study
III Generalizations
Correlated Observation and Source Vectors
Appendix A FMRI Activation Determination
Appendix B FMRI Hyperparameter Assessment
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