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Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data 2nd - KALBFLEISCH & PRENTICE - WILEY

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1. Introduction

1.1 Failure Time Data, 1

1.2 Failure Time Distributions, 6

1.3 Time Origins, Censoring, and Truncation, 12

1.4 Estimation of the Survivor Function, 14

1.5 Comparison of Survival Curves, 20

1.6 Generalizations to Accommodate Delayed Entry, 23

1.7 Counting Process Notation, 24

Bibliographic Notes, 26

Exercises and Complements, 28

2. Failure Time Models

2.1 Introduction, 31

2.2 Some Continuous Parametric Failure Time Models, 31

2.3 Regression Models, 40

2.4 Discrete Failure Time Models, 46

Bibliographic Notes, 49

Exercises and Complements, 49

3. Inference in Parametric Models and Related Topics

3.1 Introduction, 52

3.2 Censoring Mechanisms, 52

3.3 Censored Samples from an Exponential Distribution, 54

3.4 Large-Sample Likelihood Theory, 57

3.5 Exponential Regression, 65

3.6 Estimation in Log-Linear Regression Models, 68

3.7 Illustrations in More Complex Data Sets, 70

3.8 Discrimination Among Parametric Models, 74

3.9 Inference with Interval Censoring, 78

3.10 Discussion, 83

Bibliographic Notes, 85

Exercises and Complements, 87

4. Relative Risk (Cox) Regression Models 95

4.1 Introduction, 95

4.2 Estimation of beta, 99

4.3 Estimation of the Baseline Hazard or Survivor Function, 114

4.4 Inclusion of Strata, 118

4.5 Illustrations, 119

4.6 Counting Process Formulas, 128

4.7 Related Topics on the Cox Model, 130

4.8 Sampling from Discrete Models, 135

Bibliographic Notes, 142

Exercises and Complements, 144

5. Counting Processes and Asymptotic Theory 148

5.1 Introduction, 148

5.2 Counting Processes and Intensity Functions, 149

5.3 Martingales, 157

5.4 Vector-Valued Martingales, 164

5.5 Martingale Central Limit Theorem, 165

5.6 Asymptotics Associated with Chapter 1, 167

5.7 Asymptotic Results for the Cox Model, 172

5.8 Asymptotic Results for Parametric Models, 178

5.9 Efficiency _of the Cox Model Estimator, 181

5.10 Partial Likelihood Filtration, 188

Bibliographic Notes, 189

Exercises and Complements, 190

6. Likelihood Construction and Further Results 193

6.1 Introduction, 193

6.2 Likelihood Construction in Parametric Models, 193

6.3 Time-Dependent Covariates and Further

Remarks on Likelihood Construction, 196

6.4 Time Dependence in the Relative Risk Model, 200

6.5 Nonnested Conditioning Events, 208

6.6 Residuals and Model Checking for the Cox Model, 210

Bibliographic Notes, 212

Exercises and Complements, 214

7. Rank Regression and the Accelerated Failure Time Model

7.1 Introduction, 218

7.2 Linear Rank Tests, 219

7.3 Development and Properties of Linear Rank Tests, 224

7.4 Estimation in the Accelerated Failure Time Model, 235

7.5 Some Related Regression Models, 241

Bibliographic Notes, 242

Exercises and Complements, 244

8. Competing Risks and Multistate Models

8.1 Introduction, 247

8.2 Competing Risks, 248

8.3 Life-History Processes, 266

Bibliographic Notes, 273

Exercises and Complements, 275

9. Modeling and Analysis of Recurrent Event Data 278

9.1 Introduction, 278

9.2 Intensity Processes for Recurrent Events, 280

9.3 Overall Intensity Process Modeling and Estimation, 282

9.4 Mean Process Modeling and Estimation, 286

9.5 Conditioning on Aspects of the Counting Process History, 297

Bibliographic Notes, 299

Exercises and Complements, 300

10. Analysis of Correlated Failure Time Data 302

10.1 Introduction, 302

10.2 Regression Models for Correlated Failure Time Data, 303

10.3 Representation and Estimation of the Bivariate Survivor Function, 308

10.4 Pairwise Dependency Estimation, 311

10.5 Illustration: Australian Twin Data, 313

10.6 Approaches to Nonparametric Estimation

of the Bivariate Survivor Function, 315

10.7 Survivor Function Estimation in Higher Dimensions, 322

Bibliographic Notes, 323

Exercises and Complements, 324

11. Additional Failure Time Data Topics 328

11.1 Introduction, 328

11.2 Stratified Bivariate Failure Time Analysis, 329

11.3 Fixed Study Period Survival Studies, 334

11.4 Cohort Sampling and Case-Control Studies, 337

11.5 Missing Covariate Data, 343

11.6 Mismeasured Covariate Data, 346

11.7 Sequential Testing with Failure Time Endpoints, 348

11.8 Bayesian Analysis of the Proportional Hazards Model, 352

11.9 Some Analyses of a Particular Data Set, 361

Bibliographic Notes, 369

Exercises and Complements, 371

Glossary of Notation 375

Appendix A: Some Sets of Data 378

Appendix B: Supporting Technical Material 396

Bibliography 404

Author Index 429

Subject Index 435
