1. An Introduction to Financial Derivatives
1.1 Options
1.2 Futures Contracts and Options
1.3 Forward Contracts
1.4 Call and Put Spot Options
1.4.1 One-period Spot Market
1.4.2 Replicating Portfolios
1.4.3 Martingale Measure for a Spot Market
1.4.4 Absence of Arbitrage
1.4.5 Optimality of Replication
1.4.6 Put Option
1.5 Futures Call and Put Options
1.5.1 Futures Contracts and Futures Prices
1.5.2 One-period Futures Market
1.5.3 Martingale Measure for a Futures Market
1.5.4 Absence of Arbitrage
1.5.5 One-period Spot/Futures Market
1.6 Forward Contracts
1.6.1 Forward Price
1.7 Options of American Style
2. The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model
2.1 The CRR Model of a Stock Price
2.1.1 The CRR Option Pricing Formula
2.1.2 The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Formula
2.2 Probabilistic Approach
2.2.1 Martingale Measure
2.2.2 Risk-neutral Valuation Formula
2.3 the Blace -Scholes Option Pricing Formula
2.4 Valuation of American Options
2.4.1 American Call Preface
2.4.2 American Put Options
2.4.3 America Claim
2.5 Options on a Dividend-paying Stock
2.6 Finite Spot Markets
3. Benchmar Models in Continuous Time
4. Freign Market derivatives
5. American Options
6. Exotic Options
7. Volatility Risk
8. Continuous-time Security Markets
PartⅡ Fixes-income Markets
9. Inerest Rates and related Contracts
10 Short-term Rate Models
11. Models of Instantaneous Forwars Rates
12. Market LIBOR Models
13. Alternative Market Models
14. Cross-currency Dericativer