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Interest Rate Risk Modeling

文件格式:Pdf 可复制性:可复制 TAG标签: Interest rate Risk Modeling 点击次数: 更新时间:2009-09-28 11:19

Using this software you can design a multiple factor hedging strategy using key rate durations or principal component durations. You can solve for the notional amounts corresponding to interest rate swaps, caps, and swaptions to protect against the height, slope, and curvature shifts in the yield curve using a three-element duration vector model under the LIBOR market model. You can pick from a variety of multiple factor strategies, such as, basis risk management for traders, speculative yield curve strategies for hedge-funds, immunization and bond index replication for pension funds and insurance companies, using a variety of interest rate contingent claims, such as regular bonds, bond options, Treasury futures (on T-bills, T-notes, and T-bonds), Eurodollar futures, forward rate agreements, interest rate options (e.g., caps, floors, and collars), swaps, swaptions, and default-prone corporate bonds. Finally, based upon Craig Holden's excel program, the software for chapter 3 also demonstrates a pedagogically useful term structure “movie” using monthly zero-coupon yields, par yields, and instantaneous forward yields, over the period 1946-1993.

