A. 了解并遵守任何政府、政府机构、监管机构、执照管理机构或对协会成员的专业活动拥有管辖权的专业协会所颁布的一切有关法律、规则和条例(包括CFA协会之《道德操守》和《专业行为准则》。)
B. 不故意参与或协助任何违反上述法律、规则或条例之行为。
A. 使用专业名衔。
1. CFA 协会成员必须明智地使用其成员身份,维护其尊严。在使用成员身份时,可附带对获得成员身份之要求加以准确的说明。
2. 协会鼓励已经获得授权使用“特许财经分析师®”名衔之成员使用“特许金融分析师®”或“CFA®”标志,但使用方式必须得当、明智、有助于维护此名衔之尊严。使用此名衔时,可附带对获得使用此名衔所需达到之要求加以准确的说明。
3. 符合CFA组织细则所规定的CFA课程考生,可宣称自己参加了CFA课程,但必须明确说明其仅为该课程考生,而不是暗示已经在某种程度上获得任何专业资格。
B. 违反专业准则的行为。
1. 成员在从事专业活动时不得有不诚实、欺诈、欺骗、歪曲事实或任何损害其诚信或专业能力之行为。
2. 成员和考生均不得参与或从事任何损害CFA名衔之声誉的行为,亦不得损害CFA资格考试之信誉及有效性。
C. 严禁抄袭。
The CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (Code and Standards) are fundamental to the values of CFA Institute
and essential to achieving its mission to lead the investment profession globally by setting high standards of education, integrity, and professional
excellence. High ethical standards are critical to maintaining the public’s trust in financial markets and in the investment profession.
Since their creation in the 1960s, the Code and Standards have promoted the integrity of CFA Institute members and served as a
model for measuring the ethics of investment professionals globally, regardless of job function, cultural differences, or local laws and regulations.
All CFA Institute members (including holders of the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation) and CFA candidates must abide
by the Code and Standards and are encouraged to notify their employer of this responsibility.Violations may result in disciplinary sanctions
by CFA Institute. Sanctions can include revocation of membership, candidacy in the CFA Program, and the right to use the CFA designation. |