1-1 全国劳动统计主要指标 |
2006年比上 |
年增长 % |
指 标 |
Item |
2005 |
2006 |
Increase |
Rate |
(2005=100) |
总人口(万人) |
Total Population (10000 perpons) |
130756 |
131448 |
0.5 |
16岁以上人口数(万人) |
Population Above 16(10000 perpons) |
102534 |
103506 |
0.9 |
经济活动人口(万人) |
Economically Active Population(10000 perpons) |
77877 |
78244 |
0.5 |
全国就业人员年末人数(万人) |
Employment (end of year, 10000 perpons) |
75825 |
76400 |
0.8 |
城镇就业人员 |
Urban Employment |
27331 |
28310 |
3.6 |
单位就业人员 |
Unit Employment |
11404.0 |
11713.2 |
2.7 |
#国有单位 |
State-owned Units |
6488.2 |
6430.5 |
-0.9 |
集体单位 |
Collective-owned Units |
809.9 |
763.6 |
-5.7 |
其他单位 |
Other Ownership Units |
4105.9 |
4519.1 |
10.1 |
在岗职工(万人) |
Number of Staff and Workers (10000 persons) |
10850.3 |
11160.6 |
2.9 |
#国有单位 |
State-owned Units |
6232.0 |
6170.5 |
-1.0 |
集体单位 |
Collective-owned Units |
769.2 |
726.0 |
-5.6 |
其他单位 |
Other Ownership Units |
3849.2 |
4264.1 |
10.8 |
城镇私营和个体就业人员(万人) |
Employment in Urban Private Enterprises |
6236.1 |
6967.0 |
11.7 |
and Individuals (10000 persons) |
乡村就业人员(万人) |
Rural Employment (10000 persons) |
48494.0 |
48090.0 |
-0.8 |
城镇单位就业人员劳动报酬(亿元) |
Earnings of the Urban Units |
20627.1 |
24262.3 |
17.6 |
Employment (100 million yuan) |
#国有单位 |
State-owned Units |
12291.7 |
13920.6 |
13.3 |
集体单位 |
Collective-owned Units |
906.4 |
983.8 |
8.5 |
其他单位 |
Other Ownership Units |
7429.0 |
9357.9 |
26.0 |
职工工资总额 (亿元) |
Total Wages of Staff and Workers |
19789.9 |
23265.9 |
17.6 |
(100 million yuan) |
#国有单位 |
State-owned Units |
12009.2 |
13600.1 |
13.2 |
集体单位 |
Collective-owned Units |
867.8 |
944.9 |
8.9 |
其他单位 |
Other Ownership Units |
6912.8 |
8720.8 |
26.2 |
城镇单位就业人员平均劳动 |
Average Earning of the Urban Units |
报酬(元) |
Employment (yuan) |
18200 |
20856 |
14.6 |
#国有单位 |
State-owned Units |
18978 |
21706 |
14.4 |
集体单位 |
Collective-owned Units |
11176 |
12866 |
15.1 |
其他单位 |
Other Ownership Units |
18362 |
21004 |
14.4 |
职工平均工资 (元) |
Average Wages (yuan) |
18364 |
21001 |
14.4 |
#国有单位 |
State-owned Units |
19313 |
22112 |
14.5 |
集体单位 |
Collective-owned Units |
11283 |
13014 |
15.3 |
其他单位 |
Other Ownership Units |
18244 |
20755 |
13.8 |
城镇登记失业人员年末人数(万人) |
Urban Registered Unemployment(10000 perpons) |
839 |
847 |
1.0 |
非经济活动人口(万人) |
Noneconomically Active Population(10000 perpons) |
24657 |
25262 |
2.5 |
全部离、退休年末人数(万人) |
Number of Retirees (10000 perpons) |
5088 |
注:职工及职工工资总额为在岗职工相关资料(以下各表同)。 |
Note: Staff and workers and their total wages are on-post staff and workers figures(the same as in the following tables). |