
城市及城市建设 劳动 财政 保险 区域经济金融 交通 旅游 畜牧业 卫生 房地产 环境 能源 科技 汽车 民政 钢铁 建筑业 纺织 工业经济 渔业 农业 林业

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance (MOFFETT&STONEHILL&EITEMAN 3th)

文件格式:Pdf 可复制性:可复制 TAG标签: 跨国金融 点击次数: 更新时间:2010-05-18 03:49

By attachment concepts in the environment of enlightening housing studies and real-world
examples, Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, 3/e familiarizes direction and planetary
playing readers with the basic concepts and tools needed to compel an trenchant orbicular
business direction strategy. Global Financial Environment: Globalization and the Multinational
Enterprise; Financial Goals and Corporate Governance; The International Monetary System;
The Balance of Payments; The Foreign Exchange Market. Foreign Exchange Theory:
International Parity Conditions; Foreign Exchange Rate Determination & Forecasting; Foreign
Currency Derivatives. Foreign Exchange Exposure: Transaction Exposure; Operating Exposure;
Translation Exposure. Financing the Global Firm: Global Cost and Availability of Capital;
Sourcing Equity Capital Globally; Financial Structure and International Debt; Interest Rate and
Currency Swaps. International Investment Decisions: International Portfolio Theory and
Diversification; Foreign Direct Investment Theory and Strategy; Political Risk Assessment and
Management; Multinational Capital Budgeting. Managing Multinational Operations:
International Trade Finance; Multinational Tax Management; Working Capital Management;
Cross-Border Mergers, Acquisitions, and Valuation.
For every readers fascinated in orbicular business management.
