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最新彩板电子版:International Handbook on the Economics of Energy,
不好意思, 收点搬运费。

Joanne Evans, Lester C. Hunt, International Handbook on the Economics of Energy ,
Edward Elgar Publishing |,  2009. ISBN: 1847203523,  831 pages.

As an essential component for economic growth, energy has a significant impact on the global economy. The need to meet growing energy demand has prompted cutting-edge innovation in clean technology in an attempt to realise environmental and cost objectives, whilst ensuring the security of energy supply. This Handbook offers a comprehensive review of the economics of energy, including contributions from a distinguished array of international specialists. It provides a thorough discussion of the major research issues in this topical field of economics.

Themes addressed include the theory of energy supply, demand and policy, empirical modeling of energy demand, holistic energy models, an analysis of coal, gas, electricity, oil and the `markets' within which they operate, and a discussion of the current key energy policy issues. The topics of pricing, transmission, regulation, security, energy efficiency, new technologies and climate change are also discussed.

The International Handbook on the Economics of Energy presents a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research making it an indispensable reference for researchers, advanced students, practitioners and policy-makers alike.
本文来自: 人大经济论坛 详细出处参考:http://www.pinggu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=734910&page=1&fromuid=1711292
