1 Read this-it will help
2 A brief description of Stata
3 Rcsources for learning and using Stata
4 Stata's online help and search facilities
5 Flavors of Stata
6 Setting the size of memory
7 -more- conditions
8 Error irtcssagcs and return codes
9 The Break key
10 Keyboard use
11 Language syntax
12 Data
13 Functions and expressions
14 Matrix expressions
15 Printing_and preserving output
16 D0一files
1 7 Ado- files
18 Programming Stata
19 immediate commands
20 estimation and postcstimaLion commands
21 Inputting data
22 Combining datasets
23 Dealing wjth strings
24 Dealing with dates and times
25 Dealing with categorical variables
26 0verview of Stata estrmation commands
27 Commands cveryone shoulcl know
28 Using chc Incernet to keep up to date