目 录 第一部分 能源矿产 13 第一章 概论 15 第一节 能源矿产资源开发利用简史 15 第二节 能源矿产资源 17 第三节 能源矿产资源供需形势 20 第二章 煤 27 第一节 概述 27 第二节 煤矿资源 38 第三节 煤矿床地质特征 53 第四节 煤矿资源开发阶段 68 第五节 煤...
目录 A. 铁矿石需求分析 B. 铁矿石供给分析 C. 铁矿石价格分析...
Mixed demand readings expected; we see opportunities The sector has pulled back 8% from recent May highs on profit taking and mixed demand readings, such as weak power consumption and potential PMI contraction. We continue to see buying op...
Nonferrous Metals Mining Higher Price Forecasts Lift EPS Estimates for Most, Except Aluminum and Zinc Commodity price revisions: Our global team today published its quarterly playbook, in which we make changes to the nonferrous metals pric...
Russian Steel Mining Upgrading on Improving Market Conditions We are upgrading a number of our Russian steel and coal stocks on the back of improving global market conditions (see Global Metals Playbook 3Q09 Short-term caution, medium-term...
Metals Mining Call Long-Term Outlook Improving; Selectivity Required Near Term What's Changed BTU Price Target To $40 from $38 Range-bound equity volatility is likely to persist through summer as investors balance improving fundamentals ag...
Metals Mining Balance sheet risks reduced, but too early to chase the rally Dr. Copper not right this time: The short- to medium-term outlook for metals has changed little in the last quarter, but equities have rallied 22%, mainly due to c...
内容提要 即将进入2009年。伴随着2008年下半年钢价轰轰烈烈的下跌走势,铁矿石价格也出现了跳水走势。钢厂的减产压力和市场价格的下行压力明显上溯到了国际铁矿石的主要供应商们那里,必将影响即将到来的(如果长协谈判的机制仍将存在的话)铁矿石供需双方就...
目 录 第一部分 铁矿石资源篇.................................................8 第一章 我国铁矿石资源概况............................................................... 8 第一节 我国铁矿石资源特点................................................
Let the plates shine now We believe the super-cycle of shipbuilding will trigger a boom in ship-plates demand in 2008-09. While China is increasing its plate capacity, this would be insufficient to meet the deficit in the region, particula...