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  • [原创][免费]Stata 10 SE绿色注册版+所有Meta分析命令 时间:2010-03-17 16:11:16 点击:2501 好评:30

    Stata 10 SE绿色注册版及Meta分析的全部命令 stata Stata 是一套提供其使用者数据分析、数据管理以及绘制专业图表的完整及整合性统计软件。它提供许许多多功能,包含线性混合模型、均衡重复反复及多项式普罗比模式。新版本的STATA采用最具亲和力的窗口接口,...

  • stata常用的55个基本命令(free) 时间:2010-03-12 15:44:30 点击:214 好评:10

    stata learning ; stata常用的55个基本命令, 英文的;it is best for new learner; and it saves lot of time to look it up in the stata software analysisbook .i hope i can get what i want from this simple learning paper. really appriciate !...

  • stata8英文破解版 时间:2010-03-10 11:54:19 点击:377 好评:0

    曹培玺代表的绿色发展行动计划 在全国加快经济发展方式转变的新形势下,电力企业如何发展?全国人大代表、华能集团公司总经理曹培玺的回答是:发展低碳能源,坚定不移地走绿色、低碳、循环发展之路。他由此宣布,从今年开始,华能集团在发电行业中率先启动了...

  • Statistics with Stata 时间:2009-11-30 15:15:26 点击:247 好评:0

    Table of contents Preface 1 Stata and Stata Resources 2 Data Management 3 Graphs 4 Summary Statistics and Tables 5 ANOVA and Other Comparison Methods 6 Linear Regression Analysis 7 Regression Diagnostics 8 Fitting Curves 9 Robust Regressio...

  • STATA10、常用命令、初级讲义三合一 时间:2009-11-30 14:58:38 点击:346 好评:-2

    Subject Table of Contents This is the complete contents for all of the Reference manuals. Getting Started [GS] Getting Started manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Getting Started with Stata for Macintosh [GS] Getting Started manual...

  • Stata异方差上机练习的总结 时间:2009-11-11 11:34:08 点击:413 好评:4

    1、准备工作阶段 2、探索数据特征阶段 3、建立模型阶段 4、诊断模型阶段 5、矫正模型阶段 6、运用模型阶段 7、结束收尾阶段 8、回显杨刚同学的案例分析...

  • a visual guide to stata graphics 时间:2009-11-10 16:03:36 点击:176 好评:0

    1. Introduction 2. Twoway graphs 3. Scatterplot matrix graphs 4. Bar graphs 5. Box plots 6. Dot plots 7. Pie graphs 8. Options available for most graphs 9. Standard optiona acailable for all graphs 10. Styles for changing the look of graph...

  • Stata10.0手册全集 时间:2009-11-03 17:20:48 点击:947 好评:0

    1.Time-Series Reference Manual, Release 10 2.stata longgitudinal/panel data manual reference release 10 3.MATA REFERENCE MANUAL VOLUME1 [M-0]-[M-3] RELEASE 10 4.MATA VOLUME2 REFERENCE MANUAL RELEASE 10 5.Stata Programming Reference Manual...

  • Stata Programming Reference Manual Release 10 时间:2009-11-03 17:13:57 点击:86 好评:0

    . intro automation break byable , capture char cIaSS claSS eXlt classutil comments ^ conn九11 continue creturn _datasignature #delimit dialog programming display ereturn error estat programming _estimates exit fi!e file formats .dta find...

  • MATA VOLUME2 REFERENCE MANUAL RELEASE 10 时间:2009-11-03 17:08:01 点击:16 好评:0

    Mathematical matrix Matrix functions solvers Matrix solxers and inverters scalar Scalar functions statistical Statistical functions mathematical Other important functions LJtjljty mani LilaIion standard St:lIldcii-cf I11:ltrices utility Ma...
