
经济学 计量经济学与统计 工商管理与财会金融投资学 其他


文件格式:excel 可复制性:可复制 TAG标签: Excel 高盛 金融估值 点击次数: 更新时间:2009-11-20 14:33

Instructions:  All cells with values in blue are inputs.  Enter capital structure changes on the "Summary" sheet; enter balance sheet and income statement inputs on the "Segment_Inputs" sheet.  You may input values for multiple segments of the business; these will be aggregated into the"Consolidated" sheet.  Enter the non-segment specific balance sheet values and adjustments directly on the "Consolidated" sheet.  Print all sheets by clicking on the buttons on this sheet.  Note the diagnostic checks on the Summary sheet; these comment on the balance sheet being balanced,the existence of negative cash flows, the consistency of LBO accounting, etc.

IMPORTANT:  Inputs are located on the "Summary", "Consolidated" and "Segment Inputs" sheets.  Be sure to review ALL blue entries on the pages.

For LBO/Recap analysis, enter the offer price and capital structure on the "Summary" sheet.  Enter the transaction parameters (e.g. LBO vs. Recap,Recap Accounting vs. No Recap Accounting, 338h(10) Asset Revaluation vs. No Revaluation, Level of Warrants, Tax Deductibility of Goodwill, etc.).on the appropriate box in the "Summary" sheet.  FOR ADDITIONAL HELP:  Also see the non-printed notes on the right side of each page.
