1 Basic interest rate markets, concepts, and relations 1 2 Fixed income securities 22 3 Stochastic processes and stochastic calculus 43 4 Asset pricing and term structures: discrete-time models 71 5 Asset pricing and term structures: an introduction to continuous-time models 97 6 The Economics of the Term Structure of Interest Rates 139 7 One-factor diffusion models 163 8 Multi-factor diffusion models 201 9 Calibration of diffusion models 225 10 Heath-Jarrow-Morton models 240 11 Market models 256 12 The measurement and management of interest rate risk 272 13 Mortgage-backed securities 299 14 Credit risky securities 300 15 Stochastic interest rates and the pricing of stock and currency derivatives 301 16 Numerical techniques 315 A Results on the lognormal distribution 316 References 319 |