Buffett’s Letters To Berkshire Shareholders 1987
Our gain in net worth during 1987 was $464 million, or 19.5%. Over the last 23 years (that is, since present management took over), our per-share book value has grown from $19.46 to$2,477.47, or at a rate of 23.1% compounded annually.
What counts, of course, is the rate of gain in per-share business value, not book value. In many cases, a corporation's book value and business value are almost totally unrelated. For example, just before they went bankrupt, LTV and Baldwin-United published yearend audits showing their book values to be $652 million and $397 million, respectively. Conversely, Belridge Oilwas sold to Shell in 1979 for $3.6 billionalthough its book value was only $177 million.
真正重要的当然是企业每股实际价值,而非帐面价值的增加,在许多情况下一家公司的帐面与其实际价值一点关连都没有,举例来说,LTV与鲍德温联合公司就在宣布破产之前的会计师签证的年度报告还显示,帐面各有净值六亿与四亿美金,但是另一个公司Belridge石油在1979年以36亿美元高价卖给壳牌石油之时,帐面净值却不到两亿。 |