
文化用品 体育用品 乐器 玩具饰品其他
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文件格式:Pdf 可复制性:不可复制 TAG标签: 电影行业 点击次数: 更新时间:2010-03-23 19:37

Table of contents 3
Index of tables and charts 5
Executive summary 7
Cinema 7
Home entertainment 8
Consumer tastes 8
Methodology 11
Cinema 11
Video 12
Statistical methodology 12
Hardware methodology 12
Software methodology 12
Exchange rate methodology 13
NRG Background 13
Sample composition 13
Report Notes 13
Introduction 15
Territory overview 19
Population 19
Gender 19
Age 19
Urbanisation of China 19
Geography 20
23 provinces 20
5 Autonomous regions 20
4 Municipalities 20
1 Special Autonomous Region 20
Population centres 21
Incomes 21
China and World Trade Organisation entry 23
Sources of data 24
Th e cinema class 25
Urban population 25
Consumer class 25
Brands and affl uence 25
City populations 25
Geography 25
Mobile phone ownership 26
DVD/VCD ownership 26
Th e Cinema class in China 26
Cinema exhibition in China 27
From monolith to free market 27
Admissions and box offi ce 28
Cinema screens 30
Ticket prices 31
Screen density and growth rates 32
Copyright theft 32
Leading exhibitors and international
players 33
Large format screens 38
Th eatrical distribution in China 41
Distribution market structure 41
Leading distributors 42
Th eatrical Releases 42
Distributor market shares 42
Films released 42
Nationality 43
Market shares 43
Genre split 43
Film marketing 43
Digital cinema in China 45
D-cinema screens 47
D-cinema content 47
本文来自: 人大经济论坛 详细出处参考:http://www.pinggu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=497728&page=1&fromuid=1642809
