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Real Analysis with Economic Application

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Chapter A Preliminaries of Real Analysis
A.1 Elements of Set Theory
1 Sets
2 Relations
3 Equivalence Relations
4 Order Relations
5 Functions
6 Sequences, Vectors and Matrices
7∗ A Glimpse of Advanced Set Theory: The Axiom of Choice
A.2 Real Numbers
1 Ordered Fields
2 Natural Numbers, Integers, and Rationals
3 Real Numbers
4 Intervals and R
A.3 Real Sequences
1 Convergent Sequences
2 Monotonic Sequences
3 Subsequential Limits
4 Infinite Series
5 Rearrangements of Infinite Series
6 Infinite Products
A.4 Real Functions
1 Basic Definitions
2 Limits, Continuity and Differentiation
3 Riemann Integration
4 Exponential, Logarithmic and Trigonometric Functions
5 Concave and Convex Functions
6 Quasiconcave and Quasiconvex Functions
Chapter B Countability
B.1 Countable and Uncountable Sets
B.2 Losets and Q
B.3 The Cardinality Ordering
1 The Cardinality Ordering
2∗ The Well Ordering Principle
B.4 Application: Ordinal Utility Theory
1 Preference Relations
2 Utility Representation of Complete Preference Relations
3∗ Utility Representation of Incomplete Preference Relations
Chapter C Metric Spaces
C.1 Basic Notions
1 Metric Spaces: Definitions and Examples
2 Open and Closed Sets
3 Convergent Sequences
4 Sequential Characterization of Closed Sets
5 Equivalence of Metrics
C.2 Connectedness and Separability
1 Connected Metric Spaces
2 Separable Metric Spaces
3 Applications to Utility Theory
C.3 Compactness
1 Basic Definitions and the Heine-Borel Theorem
2 Compactness as a Finite Structure
3 Closed and Bounded Sets
C.4 Sequential Compactness
C.5 Completeness
1 Cauchy Sequences
2 Complete Metric Spaces: Definition and Examples
3 Completeness vs. Closedness
4 Completeness vs. Compactness
C.6 Fixed Point Theory I
1 Contractions
2 The Banach Fixed Point Theorem
3∗ Generalizations of the Banach Fixed Point Theorem
C.7 Applications to Functional Equations
1 Solutions of Functional Equations
2 Picard’s Existence Theorem
C.8 Products of Metric Spaces
1 Finite Products
2 Countably Infinite Products
Chapter D Continuity I
D.1 Continuity of Functions
1 Definitions and Examples
2 Uniform Continuity
3 Other Continuity Concepts
4∗ Remarks on Differentiability of Real Functions
5 A Fundamental Characterization of Continuity
6 Homeomorphisms
D.2 Continuity and Connectedness
D.3 Continuity and Compactness
1 Continuous Image of a Compact Set
2 The Local-to-Global Method
3 Weierstrass’ Theorem
D.4 Semicontinuity
D.5 Applications
1∗ Caristi’s Fixed Point Theorem
2 Continuous Representation of a Preference Relation
3∗ Cauchy’s Functional Equations: Additivity on Rn
4∗ Representation of Additive Preferences
D.6 CB(T) and Uniform Convergence
1 The Basic Metric Structure of CB(T)
2 Uniform Convergence
3∗ The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem and Separability of C(T)
4∗ The Arzelà-Ascoli Theorem
D.7∗ Extension of Continuous Functions
D.8 Fixed Point Theory II
1 The Fixed Point Property
2 Retracts
3 The Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem
4 Applications
Chapter E Continuity II
E.1 Continuity of Correspondences
1 Upper Hemicontinuity
2 The Closed Graph Property
3 Lower Hemicontinuity
4 Continuous Correspondences
5∗ The Hausdorff Metric and Continuity
E.2 The Maximum Theorem
E.3 Application: Stationary Dynamic Programming
1 The Standard Dynamic Programming Problem
2 The Principle of Optimality
3 Existence and Uniqueness of an Optimal Solution
4 Economic Application: The Optimal Growth Model
E.4 Fixed Point Theory III
1 Kakutani’s Fixed Point Theorem
2∗ Michael’s Selection Theorem
3∗ Proof of Kakutani’s Fixed Point Theorem
4 Contractive Correspondences
E.5 Application: Nash Equilibrium
1 Strategic Games
2 The Nash Equilibrium
3∗ Remarks on Discontinuous Games
Chapter F Linear Spaces
F.1 Linear Spaces
1 Abelian Groups
2 Linear Spaces: Definition and Examples
3 Linear Subspaces, Affine Manifolds and Hyperplanes
4 Span and Affine Hull of a Set
5 Linear and Affine Independence
6 Bases and Dimension
F.2 Linear Operators and Functionals
1 Definitions and Examples
2 Linear and Affine Functions
3 Linear Isomorphisms
4 Hyperplanes, Revisited
F.3 Application: Expected Utility Theory
1 The Expected Utility Theorem
2 Utility Theory under Uncertainty
F.4∗ Application: Capacities and the Shapley Value
1 Capacities and Coalitional Games
2 The Linear Space of Capacities
3 The Shapley Value
Chapter G Convexity
G.1 Convex Sets
1 Basic Definitions and Examples
2 Convex Cones
3 Ordered Linear Spaces
4 Algebraic and Relative Interior of a Set
5 Algebraic Closure of a Set
6 Finitely Generated Cones
G.2 Separation and Extension in Linear Spaces
1 Extension of Linear Functionals
2 Extension of Positive Linear Functionals
3 Separation of Convex Sets by Hyperplanes
4 The External Characterization of Algebraically Closed Convex Sets
5 Supporting Hyperplanes
G.3 Separation and Support in Rn
Chapter H Economic Applications
H.1 Applications to Decision Theory
1 The Expected Multi-Utility Theorem
2 Knightian Uncertainty
3 Superlinear Functions
4 The Gilboa-Schmeidler Model
H.2 Applications to Welfare Economics
1 The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics
2 Characterization of Pareto Optima
3 Harsanyi’s Utilitarianism Theorem
H.3 An Application to Information Theory
H.4 Applications to Financial Economics
1 Viability and Arbitrage-Free Price Functionals
2 The No-Arbitrage Theorem
H.5 Applications to Cooperative Games
1 The Nash Bargaining Solution
2 Coalitional Games Without Side Payments
Chapter I Metric Linear Spaces
I.1 Metric Linear Spaces
I.2 Continuous Linear Operators and Functionals
1 Examples of (Dis-)Continuous Linear Operators
2 Continuity of Positive Linear Functionals
3 Closed vs. Dense Hyperplanes
4 Digression: On the Continuity of Concave Functions
I.3 Finite Dimensional Metric Linear Spaces
I.4 Compact Sets in Metric Linear Spaces
I.5 Convex Sets in Metric Linear Spaces
1 Closure and Interior of a Convex Set
2 Interior vs. Algebraic Interior of a Convex Set
3 Separation by Closed Hyperplanes
4 Interior vs. Algebraic Interior of a Closed Convex Set
Chapter J Normed Linear Spaces
J.1 Normed Linear Spaces
1 A Geometric Motivation
2 Normed Linear Spaces
3 Examples of Normed Linear Spaces
4 Metric vs. Normed Linear Spaces
5 Digression: On the Lipschitz Continuity of Concave Functions
J.2 Banach Spaces
1 Definition and Examples
2 Infinite Series in Banach Spaces
3On the “Size” of Banach Spaces
J.3 Fixed Point Theory IV
1 Glicksberg-Fan Fixed Point Theorem
2 Application: Existence of Nash Equilibrium, Revisited
3 The Schauder Fixed Point Theorems
4 Some Consequences of Schauder’s Theorems
5 Applications to Functional Equations
J.4 Bounded Linear Operators and Functionals
1 Definitions and Examples
2 Linear Homeomorphisms, Revisited
3 The Operator Norm
4 Dual Spaces
5Discontinuous Linear Functionals, Revisited
J.5 Convex Analysis in Normed Linear Spaces
1 Separation by Closed Hyperplanes, Revisited
2 Best Approximation from a Convex Set
3 Extreme points
J.6 Extension in Normed Linear Spaces
1 Extension of Continuous Linear Functionals
2 Infinite Dimensional Normed Linear Spaces
J.7 The Uniform Boundedness Principle
Chapter K Differential Calculus
K.1 Fréchet Differentiation
1 Limits of Functions and Tangency
2 What is a Derivative?
3 Fréchet Derivative
4 Examples
5 Rules of Differentiation
6 The Second Fréchet Derivative of a Real Function
K.2 Generalizations of the Mean Value Theorem
1 The Generalized Mean Value Theorem
2The Mean Value Inequality
K.3 Fréchet Differentiation and Concave Functions
1 Remarks on Differentiability of Concave Functions
2 Properties of Differentiable Concave Functions
K.4 Unconstrained Optimization
Hints For Selected Exercises
Index of Symbols
Index of Topics
