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Bayesian Statistics and Marketing

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Bayesian Statistics and Marketing

【书名】 Bayesian Statistics and Marketing
【作者】Peter E. Rossi, Greg M. Allenby, Rob McCulloch
【出版社】Wiley ebook
【文件大小】7.51 MB
【页数】368 pages
【ISBN出版号】ISBN: 978-0-470-86367-1
【市面定价】75.90 Dollars Amazon Hardcover price
【关键词】Bayesian Statistics
'Bayesian Statistics and Marketing' comes from three pioneers in the field of market research and fills a hole in the existing literature on the topic." (Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 2006) "…extremely useful to both researchers and practitioners who are interested in understanding the power of these methods for solving important marketing problems." (Journal of Marketing, October 2006) " This book deserves to be widely adopted by business schools, and widely read by more numerate marketing practitioners." (Short Book Reviews, April 2006) " … valuable to marketing researchers and others working on related applications, especially if they use advanced logistic and probit models." (JRSSA, Vol. 169, No. 4, October 2006) " … an excellent book for researchers in applied Bayesian statistics." (Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 33: 9, 1034, November 2006)
1 Introduction 1
2 Bayesian Essentials 9
3 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods 49
4 Unit-Level Models and Discrete Demand 103
5 Hierarchical Models for Heterogeneous Units 129
6 Model Choice and Decision Theory 159
7 Simultaneity 185


