
经济学 计量经济学与统计 工商管理与财会金融投资学 其他

Modelling Financial Derivatives

文件格式:Pdf 可复制性:可复制 TAG标签: Mathematica modelling Financial Derivatives 点击次数: 更新时间:2009-09-30 11:53

Preface                                                                               page vi
1     Advanced Tools for Rocket Science                                                            1
2     An Introduction to Mathematica                                                           12
3       Mathematical Finance Preliminaries                                                                       68
4       Mathematical Preliminaries                                                                                 85
5     Log and Power Contracts                                                                    127
6      Binary Options and the Normal Distribution                                                       136
7     Vanilla European Calls and Puts                                                             151
8      Barrier Options - a Case Study in Rapid Development                                            167
9       Analytical Models of Lookbacks                                                                          189
10     Vanilla Asian Options - Analytical Methods                                                       200
Il     Vanilla American Options - Analytical Methods                                                   215
12     Double Barrier, Compound, Quanto Options and Other Exotics                                 237
13      The Discipline of the Greeks and Overview of Finite-Difference Schemes                           258
14     Finite-Difference Schemes for the Diffusion Equation with Smooth Initial Conditions          266
15     Finite-Difference Schemes for the Black-Scholes Equation with Non-smooth Payoff Initial Conditions                                                             279
16    SOR and PSOR Schemes for the Three-Time-Level Douglas Scheme and Application to American Options                                                    306
17     Linear Programming Alternatives to PSOR and Regression                                    331
18     Traditional and Supersymmetric Trees                                                                   344
19     Tree Implementation in Mathematica and Basic Tree Pathology                                     363
20     Turbo-charged Trees with the Mathematica Compiler                                           387
21     Monte Carlo and Wozniakowski Sampling                                                         400
22      Basic Applications of Monte Carl0                                                                            420
23     Monte Carlo Simulation of Basket Options                                                             437
24     Getting Jumpy over Dividends                                                                  454
25     Simple Deterministic and Stochastic Interest-Rate Models                                           470
26     Building Yield Curves from Market Data                                                       482
27     Simple Interest Rate Options                                                                              504
28     Modelling Volatility by Elasticity                                                                515
Index                                                                            534
