
经济学 计量与统计 工商管理与财会金融投资学 其他
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corporate finance ROSS 第七版课后答案包括讲解

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Chapter 10: Return and Risk: The Capital-Asset-Pricing Model (CAPM)
10.1 a.      Expected Return    = (0.1)(-0.045) + (.2)(0.044) + (0.5)(0.12) + (0.2)(0.207)
                                     = 0.1057
                                     = 10.57%
                   The expected return on Q-mart’s stock is 10.57%.
b.                   Variance (s2)  = (0.1)(-0.045 – 0.1057)2 + (0.2)(0.044 – 0.1057)2 + (0.5)(0.12 – 0.1057)2
               (0.2)(0.207 – 0.1057)2     
            = 0.005187
Standard Deviation (s) = (0.005187)1/2
                                            = 0.0720
                                            = 7.20%
The standard deviation of Q-mart’s returns is 7.20%.
10.2        a.             Expected ReturnA    = (1/3)(0.063) + (1/3)(0.105) + (1/3)(0.156)
                                                                    = 0.1080
                                                                    = 10.80%
                                The expected return on Stock A is 10.80%.
                                Expected ReturnB    = (1/3)(-0.037) + (1/3)(0.064) + (1/3)(0.253)
                                                                    = 0.933
                                                                    = 9.33%
                                The expected return on Stock B is 9.33%.
b.             VarianceA (sA2)    = (1/3)(0.063 – 0.108)2 + (1/3)(0.105 – 0.108)2 + (1/3)(0.156 – 0.108)2    
                 = 0.001446
Standard DeviationA (sA)      = (0.001446)1/2
                                                    = 0.0380
                                                    = 3.80%
The standard deviation of Stock A’s returns is 3.80%.
                VarianceB (sB2)     = (1/3)(-0.037 – 0.0933)2 + (1/3)(0.064 – 0.0933)2 + (1/3)(0.253 – 0.0933)2     
                 = 0.014447
Standard DeviationB (sB)       = (0.014447)1/2
                                                    = 0.1202
                                                    = 12.02%
The standard deviation of Stock B’s returns is 12.02%.
c.             Covariance(RA, RB) = (1/3)(0.063 – 0.108)(-0.037 – 0.0933) + (1/3)(0.105 – 0.108)(0.064 – 0.933)            
                                                       + (1/3)(0.156 – 0.108)(0.253 – 0.0933)
                                                    = 0.004539
The covariance between the returns of Stock A and Stock B is 0.004539.

Correlation(RA,RB) = Covariance(RA, RB) / (sA * sB)
                                    = 0.004539 / (0.0380 * 0.1202)
                                    = 0.9937
The correlation between the returns on Stock A and Stock B is 0.9937.