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  • MATLAB6.5辅助小波分析与应用 时间:2009-10-14 09:34:31 点击:66 好评:0

    【书名】 MATLAB6.5辅助小波分析与应用 【作者】飞思科技 【出版社】电子工业出版社 【版本】 【出版日期】2003.1 【文件格式】PDF 【文件大...

  • A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming 时间:2009-10-09 15:40:29 点击:69 好评:0

    Chapter 1 Introduction......................................................................1 1.1 Examples..............................................................2 1.2 Object-Oriented Software Development ...............................

  • Very Brief Introduction to Finance Engineering via Matlab 时间:2009-09-30 17:27:54 点击:9 好评:0

    These notes provide a very brief introduction to pricing European options.This sketch is the latest version of a short introduction written for beginning quants at Commerzbank, written while consulting in Frankfurt. It also served, in modi...

  • Very Brief Introduction to Finance Engineering via Matlab 时间:2009-09-30 17:27:54 点击:26 好评:0

    These notes provide a very brief introduction to pricing European options.This sketch is the latest version of a short introduction written for beginning quants at Commerzbank, written while consulting in Frankfurt. It also served, in modi...

  • 神经网络理论与Matlab7实现 时间:2009-09-30 16:21:14 点击:166 好评:0


  • matlab编的遗传算法优化神经网络的资料 时间:2009-09-30 14:31:58 点击:66 好评:-2

    包括: 1. 遗传算法优化bp神经网络的源程序 2.遗传算法在神经网络中的应用 3.matlab遗传算法工具箱函数及实例讲解 4.遗传算法及其MATLAB实现...

  • Using MATLAB to Develop Portfolio Optimization Models 时间:2009-09-30 10:53:05 点击:88 好评:2

    A .zip file contains a series of scripts that were used in the MathWorks webinar Using MATLAB to Develop Portfolio Optimization Models. The scripts generate 3D efficient frontiers for a universe of 44 stocks with time as the third axis. Ad...

  • Numerical Analysis using Matlab and Spreadsheet 时间:2009-09-30 09:11:34 点击:50 好评:0

    Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to MATLAB Command Window....................................................................................................................... 1-1 Roots of Polynomials.................................

  • 精通MATLAB科学计算 时间:2009-09-26 09:32:56 点击:212 好评:4

    目录 1、绪论 2、线性方程组求解 3、数据插值与拟合 4、矩阵特征值计算 5、求导与微分计算 6、积分计算 7、非线性方程求解 8、常微分方程求解 9、偏微分方程求解 10、复数与复变函数计算 11、概率统计计算 12、最优化计算...

  • matlab7.0基础教程 时间:2009-09-26 09:31:05 点击:4267 好评:46

    目录 第1章 MATLAB 7.0简介 1.1 MATLAB简介 1.1.1 MATLAB的初步知识 1.1.2 MATLAB的优点 1.1.3 MATLAB的缺点 1.2 MATLAB 7.O的新特点 1.3 获取MATLAB 7.O最新信息的途径 1.4 习题 第2章 MATLAB 7.0的安装和用户界面 2.1 MATLAB 7.O的安装 2.2 MATLAB 7.O用户...
